For years, I always wanted to be a ‘reader’. But making the space and time to read wasn’t a big priority in my day. Finally, about five years ago, I set a goal to read 10 books in the year. I quickly surpassed my goal and started a small book club with some girlfriends, leading to more reading and discussion of books. Now I have a VERY long reading list and an evening reading routine that I enjoy!
2023 was a good reading year for me. I set a goal to read 50 books and I finished the year by reading 62. While I mainly enjoy reading fiction books, I also read some autobiographies, memoirs, educational books, business, and non-fiction. Thanks to my small but mighty book club for a wide selection of books and discussions throughout the year. Among all the books I read in 2023, a few favorites stood out to me. I hope you’ll find something new to read.
You can read my full list on Goodreads. If you are a Goodreads member add me as a friend as I always enjoy seeing what others are reading.